Monday, February 26, 2007

Bowlin' bowlin' bowlin'

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It's funny how the simplest things in life can sometimes give you such great pleasure. I'm always amazed when a small, seemingly insignificant thing can do that, such as these bowls. Silly I know, but I just love these stupid things. My husband had a mid size bowl made out of this thick, sturdy plastic that had been his grandmother's that I almost got rid of when we got married (along with his organge recliner and 1960s era couch with big brown flowers). Luckily I realized just how handy it was and kept it; it's sturdy but not heavy, and as far as I can tell, unbreakable. When I found this set of festively bright bowls made of the same thick plastic, I snapped them up and immediately banished my set of glass bowls to the basement. There is a bowl just the right size for every job and they are bright and happy to boot. What's not to love?

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